Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What are advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft-provided data provider classes in ADO.NET?

SQLServer.NET data provider is high-speed and robust, but requires SQL Server license purchased from Microsoft. OLE-DB.NET is universal for accessing other sources, like Oracle, DB2, Microsoft Access and Informix, but it is a .NET layer on top of OLE layer, so not the fastest thing in the world. ODBC.NET is a deprecated layer provided for backward compatibility to ODBC engines.

Why do I get a security exception when I try to run my C# app?

Some security exceptions are thrown if you are working on a network share. There are some parts of the frameworks that will not run if being run off a share (roaming profile, mapped drives, etc.). To see if this is what's happening, just move the executable over to your local drive and see if it runs without the exceptions. One of the common exceptions thrown under these conditions isSystem.Security.SecurityException.To get around this, you can change your security policy for the intranet zone, code group 1.2, (the zone that running off shared folders falls into) by using the caspol.exe tool.

Is there any sample C# code for simple threading?

Some sample code follows: using System;

using System.Threading;

class ThreadTest


public void runme()

{Console.WriteLine("Runme Called");


public static void Main(String[] args){

ThreadTest b = new ThreadTest();

Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(b.runme));




What is the difference between // comments, /* */ comments and /// comments?

Single-line, multi-line and XML documentation comments.

What is the difference between and XML documentation tag?

Single line code example and multiple-line code example.Explain the three services model (three-tier application).Presentation (UI), business (logic and underlying code) and data (from storage or other sources).